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Do FPS FREEKS Make a Difference?

, by Av Kandola, 1 min reading time

As mentioned in my last article, the demand for high performance gaming has risen and is now present even amongst some of the most casual players. As a part of the ever growing market for performance enhancing gear we now have the options to customise controllers to a point of it being unfair, although for the most part these attachments serve a purpose of personal preference.

As mentioned in my last article, the demand for high performance gaming has risen and is now present even amongst some of the most casual players. As a part of the ever growing market for performance enhancing gear we now have the options to customise controllers to a point of it being unfair, although for the most part these attachments serve a purpose of personal preference.

It can range from the simplest thing of changing the colour of your controller, to adding extra electronic components so you can achieve functions such as auto-fire. Although in this article we'll be taking a look at one product in particular coming from the company Kontrol Freek being their line of FPS Freeks, an attachment for analogue sticks on controllers that can help improve performance when playing first person shooters. Boasting a fine roster of top tier Call of Duty players who make use of the FPS Freeks including MBOZE, Clayster, Neslo, Mrs Violence and Teepee.

They've all placed at least top 5 throughout a majority of tournaments showcasing that the FPS Freeks are not all talk! With that being said it also goes to show the diversity in the different sticks you can buy, all of which can cater to a different taste and feel, regardless of what each individual may prefer. In terms of getting them set up you simply attach them to the tops of each stick and away you go! They come in a range of designs and colours and are suitable for controllers for the Xbox One and 360 along with the PS3 and 4.

They make an excellent alternative to the more pricier controller add ons which may require you to completely disassemble your controller altogether as well as being a lot easier to replace if need be. Check out our FPS Freeks under the 'Pro Gear' section.


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